..and if he is? So what?
I'm really having a hard time understanding why you have your panties in a
knot over this guys running 11's with a neon? Is there something wrong with
that? You've done nothing but ranted and raved about how this guy is not
telling the truth, when almost everything you mention about "he has to do
this" or "he has to be doing that" is mentioned in the web page. The only
thing he hasn't said is how much boots he's running now. You've mention "he
has to be running juice" and he said he is. "He can't be running a stock
engine" and he isn't, he has new rods and pistons.
But, you are right, this is stupid. Everyone has the money for a viper, so
why bother.
Well, becuase some people rather tweak, rebuild and do it themselves then
buy a 12 second car out of the showroom. Showing you have money is nice,
but showing know-how and determination is better.
Alot of people have vipers, but how many have 11sec neons... ALOT LESS..
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stlaurent Mr Steven" <STLAURENTS@mctssa.usmc.mil>
To: <dakota-truck@buffnet.net>
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 10:15 AM
Subject: RE: DML: Sub 12 Neon Turbo-Truth or Facts-Jon
> Nick, running that fast it is between 20-26PSI and maybe a NOS shot to
> it beyond 3K RPM.
> -------------------------------------------
> Steven St.Laurent
> Test Engineer
> Test Branch, GSD, MCTSSA
> 760-725-2506 (DSN 365-2506)
> Work:mailto:stlaurents@mctssa.usmc.mil
> Home:mailto:saint1958@home.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Shue [mailto:nshue@8dot3.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 4:47 AM
> To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
> Subject: Re: DML: Sub 12 Neon Turbo-Truth or Facts-Jon
> The webpage mentions running 10PSI, but some people didn't notice that the
> webpage was writtin as a history of the car. He mentions later when
> detailing the latest modes that he is running higher boost, but didn't
> mention how high.
> This is also where the idea of totally stock lower end engine came from
> also. He mentions it being totally stock inside, but then later mentions
> that he's now running beefier rods and pistons.
> There were some that seemed to only half-read the webpage, and not get the
> whole picture.
> --Nick
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jon Steiger" <jon@dakota-truck.net>
> To: <dakota-truck-moderator@twisted.twistedbits.net>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 1:31 AM
> Subject: RE: DML: Sub 12 Neon Turbo-Truth or Facts-Jon
> > STLAURENTS@mctssa.usmc.mil (Stlaurent Mr Steven) wrote in
> > <A58A344E318AD21190C5004095103E7201885172@mctssa02.mctssa.usmc.mil>:
> >
> > >All it generated from these last messages is, I WANT THE TRUTH not BS.
> > >If you are running 26PSI, so be it. However, claiming that it is
> > >running 10PSI and no internal part modification, this is beyond
> > >exaggeration Jon. I rather here the facts to see if any of it is
> >
> >
> >
> > Its possible I missed some of the thread, and if so, I apologize, but
> > where did the idea that he is running 10psi come from? Was it a private
> e-
> > mail conversation with Len, or did someone on the list mention it? I'm
> > just curious as to who is trying to spread BS, since I haven't seen it
> > myself. My impression of the thread has been "hey, here's this really
> fast
> > neon out-running a viper!" Everyone goes "hey, cool!", and then all of
> > sudden there is hostility and claims of lies and BS. I guess it sort've
> > took me by surprise. Again, maybe I missed a relavant post in the
> >
> >
> >
> > >applicable on another toy. Now, what can a turbo do? Come and check
> > >the Roush Twin Turbo Mustang V-6, which double the HP output before I
> > >sold it. Can it survive the street - questionable since I don't have
> > >enough data to confirm it. Looking at the twin turbo Porches and it
> > >generates around 420HP with an 6er. Does it sub 11s in the 1/4 mile?
> > >No...the Viper will still beat it.
> >
> >
> > I am well aware of what a turbo can do; I have done a great deal of
> > research in preperation for a twin turbo install on my Dakota. :-)
> > Incidentally, the Hahn web page estimates Len is currently at about
> >
> >
> > >Jon, if by chance, there is a possibility of a fast sub 11s 1/4 mile
> > >sub-compact car Neon and survive on the streets for everyday driving, I
> > >will be purchasing the car from my dealer tomorrow.
> >
> >
> > Sure its possible... Almost anything is possible if you throw enough
> > money at it. :-)
> >
> >
> > >Then here comes this dialog...my car can outrun the Viper. I heard
> > >the ricer wanna-be cannot afford a real sport car, and now our own
> > >owners. My approach is simple: applied the same logic to both cars and
> > >see that is faster, since the Neon is not stock with the current
> > >equipment. Add one Garret Turbo unit to the GTS and see what happens.
> > >Jon, in a way, I defending the Viper owners of a true meaning what a
> > >real sport car can produce. Not one run at 26PSI before cracking heads
> > >or blocks before resetting it for street driving. Again
> >
> >
> > As I posted before, to each his own. I assume from your above
> statement
> > that you talked to Len and he said that his car can outrun a Viper? If
> so,
> > what's wrong with that? His car obviously CAN outrun a Viper, and we
> > all seen the video to prove it. :-) As far as not being able to afford
> > real sports car... Since when is it a crime to not be filthy stinking
> > rich? I hope I'm wrong, but are you actually condemning this guy just
> > because he doesn't have a lot of money? I would hate to see what you'd
> > think of the folks on the JY Turbo list; those guys have put together
> > out of parts they scrounged in junkyards. What would you think of a car
> > that can waste a Viper in the 1/4 for less than $5K? Its being done
> > day! The po' folk deserve to have fun too!
> >
> > Sure, you can apply the same logic to the Viper; heck the Stryker Twin
> > Turbo is living proof of what happens when you do that. :-) They claim
> it
> > would be good for 7 second 1/4mi passes if set up for drag racing; set
> > for road racing, it runs 9s. But, if someone can't afford a Viper, or
> > maybe they want something different, what's wrong with that?
> >
> > I don't think anyone here has suggested that Viper owners should dump
> > them for Neons. Heck, given a choice, I think just about all of us
> > go for the Viper over the Neon. :-) But, that particular Neon happens
> > go down the 1/4mi faster than a Viper. That's a big deal to some
> > and means nothing to others. To each his own...
> >
> >
> > >
> > >Since I been there and done that with a 700 plus HP 69 Chevelle SS, I
> > >know what raw power can mean. Did I have a turbo? NOT! If I did, I
> > >would be in the 1xxx HP range...hehehehehehe
> >
> > Couldn't afford the turbo, eh?
> >
> > JUST KIDDING!!!!! =D
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > -Jon-
> >
> > .---- Jon Steiger ----- jon@dakota-truck.net or
> jon@twistedbits.net -----
> > -.
> > | Affiliations: AOPA, DoD, EAA, NMA, NRA, SPA, USUA; Rec & UL Pilot -
> > |
> > | '92 Ram 150 4x4 V8, '96 Dakota V8, '96 Intruder 1400, '96 FireFly
> > |
> > `------------------------------
> http://www.cs.fredonia.edu/~stei0302/ ---
> > -'
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