When I sold my thunderform and went full custom I found out, through my own
deductions, that the seat belts were probably to blame for the poor fit of
the thunderform. I think that if you'd be to loosen them, or remove them,
the thunderform would go into place better. Oh and like most of you mine
had the same 3 bolt and seat angle problems. Heck with my new boxes I
don't have a single bolt holding them in...
>My T-Form was a serious headache to put in. First of all, I was lucky to get
>three of the five bolts into the thing. The holes don't even come close to
>lining up. Then when I thought I had it in, the rear seat would not go all
>the way down. The rear seat beat flange was stuck underneath the box so I
>had to take them out and turn them around so the flange was free. It was all
>worth it though, this thing rocks!!!
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