87 octane test in the 4.7L

From: WMBARRET@aol.com
Date: Fri Jan 19 2001 - 11:09:19 EST

I decided to use 87 octane (Citgo) just to see if I could get this thing to ping. I've got a custom PCM with 5 degrees advanced timing. I'm also using a RS 180 tstat, but I'm blocking off the radiator for the winter to get the engine to run warmer (around 190-195). I just finished off a complete tank of 87 octane, under my normal driving habits, which are pretty hard driving! hee hee. My results were good, I did'nt notice any pinging, under any type of driving. Now, I must say you can't always "hear" pinging, so I can't say for certain there was none, but I never heard any.
My gas mileage remained normal, 16 mpg mixed driving.
I did'nt really notice any power decrease.
For those of you concerned about upgrading your PCM and having to run premium gas in your 4.7L, I don't think you have anything to worry about.

'00 RC 4.7L 5 spd
14.23 @ 94.49

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