Why not take the principle of the tazer just a bit farther, but use magnetic
contacts instead of dart tips... and kick a lot more voltage... with a
laser pointer to see where it is aimed... using a small joystick to aim and
I'll help design and build a prototype... Anyone else want to?
We could patent it, and all become rich... then spend all our money on our
Tom "Slick"
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-dakota-truck@BUFFNET.NET
[mailto:owner-dakota-truck@BUFFNET.NET]On Behalf Of steve preston
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 12:01 AM
To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
Subject: Re: DML: Ricer Attack (long)
Somehow,we need to get a schematic on how to build one
of those units that you can aim at a car and burn out
their electrical system.This is a prime example of
someone that needs to be walking,not driving.I`m
pissed just reading about it. Steve P.
--- Jayson Woodruff <woodrufj@uci.edu> wrote:
> Sorry about all the post, but I got a lot to say.
> Alright, last night I was coming home from my
> friends house in
> Newport about midnight. On a feeway interchange I
> picked up somespeed
> and came past a Honda kinda quick, about 20mph
> faster. As I go by he
> floors it and gets on my shoulder right when I need
> to change lanes to
> stay on the freeway. So I let off and he goes past.
> About 1/2 mile later down the freeway I see the
> same Honda going
> about 50 as I wiz by at 65, speedlimit is 65. He
> immedatly gets behind
> me and turns on his brights. I just figured he
> thought I had my brights
> on when I was behind him, that used to happen to me
> all the time in my
> last truck. So I just flip my rearview mirror.
> Then the guy comes up on my right with his
> finger out the window.
> I'm in no mood for this, I just want to get home.
> So I floor it and get
> a few lanes over, leaving the ricer in the dust. I
> ride about 2 miles
> and come by a couple of cars, making me relize I'm
> doing 95 on the 405
> freeway. So I slow back to 65 and get to the right.
> Ten minutes later
> here comes the ricer again, but this time he jumps
> in front of me and
> hits (not slams) the brakes. So I shift to the left
> and fly by again,
> he tries to keep up but can't. Not wanting a ticket
> because of this
> yahoo, I slow again to 75 though. He catches up on
> the left and I see
> his passenger holding an empty bottle out the
> window! I know whats
> gonna happen so I start slowing and getting to my
> right, then the guy
> throws the bottle, I swerve and it misses me. Now
> I'm just pissed, I
> wish I had one of those walmart 1,000,000 candle
> power flashlights. But
> I restrain and just floor it around his left, he
> swerves towards me to
> scare me, but I just burn by (V8 baby). This time I
> stay on the gas,
> but I saw his headlights get off the freeway in
> Westminster.
> What an ordeal, I couldn't sleep very well after
> that. Looking back
> I should have just taken the plate number.
> Jay W
1999 Dakota Sport 3.9V6,4x4,3.92 Anti-spin,42RE auto,Intense Blue,regular
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