RE: RE: RE: RE: Man, You gotta get.......WAS...New 1/4mi best!!!

From: Jon Smith (
Date: Mon Jan 22 2001 - 18:28:19 EST

:-D I forgot about that one :)

Jon Smith--Raleigh, NC

-Damn, Jon.... where do you come up with these? That's the best one since
-you mentioned that "the engine was knocking like a lawyer on the back
-door of an ambulance."
-Please keep 'em coming. I can't get enough!
-Richard in San Antonio
-On Mon, 22 Jan 2001 11:31:28 -0500 "Jon Smith" <> writes:
-> break out the bifocals old man, I was saying.... with your mods on a
-> 318 or
-> 360, she'd be putting out like a prom date ;)
-> ______________________
-> Jon Smith--Raleigh, NC

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