I think Bill Kondolay will make a custom valve body for the 45RFE. I didn't
ask him about that specific one but he alluded to all Dodge automatics.
00 PB SLT QC 4X2 5.9 46RE 3.92 LSD
For modifications see my DML Profile (URL follows)
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-dakota-truck@buffnet.net
[mailto:owner-dakota-truck@buffnet.net]On Behalf Of Woodruff, Jason P
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 10:43 AM
To: DML (E-mail)
Subject: DML: Multispeed HP Rating? (was: Manual Vs. Auto)
Never heard this one. Does anyone know what the HP Multispeed auto tranny
is rated for.
Does anyone make shift kits for this thing yet?
Jay W
4.7L Auto Sport+ C.C. 2wd Black
Mods Profile page at
>Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 12:27:39 -0700
>From: "greasy" <greasy@dodge-trucks.net>
>Subject: Re: DML: Manual vs. Auto (WAS: I4->V8?)
>Besides the skill required my only comment on this matter is a suggestion
>ask companies like kenne belle as to which tranny they support... they only
>sell the blowers for 5spd trucks because the standard auto in the non rt
>trucks just isn't strong enough for the power... Plus its just more fun to
>drive a stick.
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