Mis-understanding hesitation on '99 R/T

From: Patrick and Kelly Engram (patrickandkelly@erols.com)
Date: Sat Feb 10 2001 - 00:09:09 EST

I think a few people are misunderstanding my original post about when I
just had my '99 R/T's computer flashed to solve a tip-in hesitation
problem. This flash was specifically supposed to cure that particular
problem, which if you've experienced it, would know exactly what I mean
when I say tip-in hesitation. This is not the same as what a lot of
people have responded along the lines of "all dodge engines do this"
or "I mash the gas and it takes a second to get up and go" That stuff
is completely different. This tsb was for an emissions system function
that I believe opened a purge valve and caused a very slight, yet
annoying hesitation during very slight throttle inputs during steady
speed highway driving.
  I would point you to the tsb, but I just checked the link I had, and
the scanned picture of the tsb is now gone from the website.
  This is what was on the invoice:
label 4275086-general information
label 4669020-label authorized software
flash pcm 08194292

I do not know if this flash does other things, but the driveability is
fixed, there is no pinging at present (I had it before) power is about
the same. One thing that I notice is that after I let off the gas to
slow down from highway speeds, the engine seems to pull the truck down
from speed more effectively, it wont drift, it slows down more


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