RE: RE: RE: RE: Turning Powerslot Rotors

From: Robert D. Smith (
Date: Fri Mar 16 2001 - 20:54:56 EST

I don't know what your local Midas guy was talking about, unless his brake
lathe is set up using old high speed steel (HSS) cutting tools. Carbide,
especially TiN ( Titanium Nitride) coated inserts will NOT break, chip or
wear on an interrupted cut - IF the cutting speeds, feed rates and depth of
cut are correct. I just retired after 25 years in the metal cutting
industry, from Watervliet Arsenal, where we manufactured rifled gun barrels
& we bored out the rifling with carbide inserts without a problem. As a
matter of record, we also bored rifling with HSS, much more slowly, but we
had to "flood" the cutting tool with coolant to keep the heat down. Carbide
inserts and drills will also cut easily thru welded material without
fracture, provided the base metal has been material has been properly
preheated, the weld is clean & the component has been stress relieved after
the weld has been applied. Anyone who tells you that the Powerslots can't be
turned on their lathe - needs to get a better lathe, or at least upgrade
their setup to utilize carbide...
Just my $.02...

Bob Smith
2K DAKSY CC Sport +
3.9l; V6: 4X4

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