If I'm not mistaken I believe LUND already makes a metal mesh insert for GEN III
DAKS. I've seen them on a couple around town where I live, I'm just not positive
on who makes them?
I'm looking to do do the same thing (metal grill inserts) on the intakes of my
"Ram Air" Hood, without much luck myself :-(
Puddlestompa@aol.com wrote:
> I am looking at making my own grill insert and want to use some kind of metal
> mesh, honeycomb or just holes all throught the metal. I looked at
> HomeDepository but could not find anything. Anybody have any suggestions,
> even if you have seen store bought ones like this that would help, thanks.
> Aaron "The Man"
> 98 2WD 2.5L 4cyl RC
> http://www.hometown.aol.com/puddlestompa/mydak.html
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