Another (1/2) mod off the kitchen table!

From: Robert D. Smith (
Date: Fri Apr 20 2001 - 22:34:43 EDT

Hey, DML!
Finally decided to crawl under the DAKSY & install the ProComp ES 9000
shocks (with yellow boots). Got the bible (FSM) out & read the 3 sentence
removal instructions. Great... easy...nothin to it...and... what a PITA! At
least the passenger side was...the driver's side was a snap - got er jacked
up & supported the rear axle with stands & with a 15mm socket & an 18mm box
wrench, 5 minutes later, Voila! One dirty OEM shock layin on the ground &
shiny new Procomp in. Okay scoot around to the passenger side & not only is
the shock mounted on the other side (front) of the axle, but I can't get at
the upper nut & bolt with a socket wrench! I couldn't get a good enuff grab
for the impact either...SHEEEEEEEESH! Well...I don't know about the rest of
you DAKsperts, but I can't generate a whole lotta torque with a 6" long 15mm
box wrench...I felt like I was tryin to benchpress the whole damn truck!
It was a SUNNUVABIOTCH! Who the Frell (Farscape!) came up with this
design?!?!?!? The bolt finally broke loose, after many dirty words, 1/4 can
of WD40, 15 minutes of nearly continuous benchpressing & maybe a 1/2 pint of
blood from my knuckles...Install went better, but I can't verify that I got
70 lbs/ft of torque with the box wrench...
PLEEEEEEZE tell me the fronts will go easier!
Sorry for the ranting...

Bob Smith (Daksy2K on AIM)
2K DAKSY CC Sport +
3.9l; V6: 4X4

For the mods,details, etc., visit us at:

(ps, we're still working on it...
Susan on the page; me on the DAKSY! )

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