Man Will, I feel like a moron now. I remember hearing nothing but good things
about the NV3500 prior to ordering in August. The good news is that at least
the 4.7s aren't failing! It sounds like you're getting the same bearing
cavtation and whine that I am. I finally found a dealer to replace both my
tranny and the clutch that was warped when the first guys replaced the throwout
bearing. They told me that as long as mine didn't ping or fluctuate at idle,
they didn't see any need to flash, so the truck will stay with them for the
week. Having to reclutch reverse is normal and happens sometimes with all
trannies. Sometimes the gear teeth hit and you've got to turn one to get them
together. Your synchro problems could be a result of the bad bearing(s) or
someone using the wrong gear oil (non-hypoid). If you can get the tranny
serviced and check on it, I'd be curious where your problems are and if you
find which bearing is going. I'm curious about going to an NV4500 but I'm not
confident in my tranny swap abilities and certainly want to wait until after my
new NV3500 is out of its service warrantee. Make sure to pipe up if you learn
anything new. I should get a new tranny near the end of the week or early next
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