Chris, I'm up in arms over it right now. The dealer that was gonna replace the
tranny would only do so if I agreed to be flashed. The truck left there on
Tuesday and went to a second 'good ol boy' dealership which won't flash unless
it pings. The problem there is that I'm being told that my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
gears whines are normal but they'll call the Star-5 line tomorrow about 5th.
5th concerns them. They'll likely replace the 5-Reverse fork and look
everything over but don't think ChryCo will go for a totally new transmission.
If I go back to the original dealership I can get a new tranny but will loose 4
degrees of timing, so I wanna see what dealer No. 2 will do for me first. I'll
let you know what's up. If anyone has an NV3500 in the mail to a local
dealership pipe up, I'm curious what the supply's like. My throwout bearing
and fork were on national backorder for 2 weeks.
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 23:39:19 -0400
From: "Chris Lang" <>
Subject: Re: DML: 5 speed problem
Crit how long have you been waiting for the tranny to come in from the
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