RE: Rattle, rattle, times

From: John Neff (
Date: Thu Apr 26 2001 - 15:25:58 EDT

Sorry, let's try this with a subject line this time.

 Mods do not void the federal emisions warranty which the cat converter is
 covered by for 80,000 miles. In fact, even if it can be proven that the
 caused the failure, the cat must still be replaced under warranty.


>But if I bring the truck back completely stock then they would have
>to point at and blame, right?

>>That would depend on if you have non-Mopar headers or not.

>>>If the cat fails before 80K, it's my understanding that Dodge has to
>>>replace it.

>>>I'm sure there's a bail-out clause where if they can claim you did
>>>something to make it fail, they don't have to replace it for free.

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