Thanks guys for making me feel welcome. I'm from the Lehigh Valley, which
includes Allentown, Easton, and Bethlehem. I also used to live in N.J. for
a while so I kinda remember where Sussex is.
And so far after only one night with the truck I love it already. It's
quite a bit different from the Neon I used to have.
Intense Blue 01 SLT Club Cab 4x2
3.9V6 Auto, Power Goodies
>>Hi Jon ! You are gonna LOVE the truck. I bought mine last Jan (my first
>>truck) and I absolutely love it. You can run over stuff! Where in PA ? I
>>am in Sussex NJ, maybe not too far. Also, there's lots of good trails in
>>near Marshall's Creek...check em out if you get the chance but make sure
>>you're on a full tank if you don't know them, they go all over & you could
>>easily spend a whole day. I am fairly new Welcome !
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