OT: Prayer List - long

From: ABeerCan@aol.com
Date: Mon Nov 12 2001 - 15:12:03 EST

I am sorry for the off-topic post, but as of today I have decided that there
is but one thing that can save our Country and can save the people of
America. This one thing is God himself. The following is a short list of
what I believe every one of every religion should be praying for. Please
feel free to add anyone/anything that you believe should be added. I have
seen it myself and I am sure many others on the DML have seen it as well.
Prayer is the one thing that can baffle science, it can bring forth modern
day miracles and it can unite a Country as no other thing can. our Country
was founded on religion and used religion as a basis for many of the
important articles found throughout the United States. It united us in a
revolution that created the wonderful nation we are in now. It has united us
through two World Wars and I believe once again it will unite the people of
America once again to lead the United States of America to victory against
those whose sole purpose in life is to create havoc and reign terror down
upon the innocent. So please, please read the following list, and add to it
as needed. Prayer can overpower cancer, it can destroy hatred, it can
empower one to levels never before seen. Prayer can provide wisdom to those
who need it. Prayer can provide humility to those who need it as well.
Prayer is the universal tool to solve any problems we are faced with in daily
life. Nothing is so powerful that prayer cannot overcome it. So please,
remember the ones listed below in your prayers. And please add to the list
those whom you know that need to be remembered in prayer. And please,
remember to pray for yourself. While your attention is focused on others,
you yourself can start to slip. You need to be built upon a solid
foundation, for without it you cannot lead others to higher ground. So
please help others in our daily lives and please remember to receive help
from others who attempt to rescue you from your troubles in your daily life.

William R. Hall

Prayer List:
    Our Nation and its Leaders - pray for wisdom to make the important
decisions they are making at this time as well as strength to follow through
the decisions. Also pray for humility to keep these decisions within humane
and realistic ideals.
    Our Men and Women in the Armed Forces - pray for safety and for their
return home. Pray to give them strength and comfort that is needed while
they are many many miles away from family and home.
    The Families of the Men and Women in the Armed Forces - pray for them to
be comforted and for them to feel secure while their family members are away
fighting for what this Nation stands for.
    The people whom we are fighting against - This may sound strange, but
pray that they will realize what they have done and decide that they need to
go to trial for their crimes and accept their punishment that they deserve.
This will allow our Armed Forces to come back home and for familles to be
    The Father and Family of David "Digger" Digney - Pray for his Father to
heal and for strength and comfort for the family as they go through this
difficult time.
    The Familles of America - pray for strength and wisdom to be granted to
each family of America. Pray for peacefulness and for comfort for each
family as everyone returns to a semi-normal life.
    Your Family and Yourself - pray that you might not be lead down the wrong
path in life by being distracted by other activities in the world today.
Pray for peace within your family. Pray for protection of your family during
this time. Pray for strength to control what happens in the world around you
daily. Pray for wisdom to make decisions to control the world around you
daily. Pray for humility so that you will use your wisdom when needed and
your strength when needed, but never when not needed.
    Pray for the Families of those involved in the Acts of Terror on
9/11/2001 - There are many people who are still hurting, and I cannot blame
them. There are many who do not have closure yet and may never receive it.
Pray for these people to be comforted and strengthened. Pray for the healing
process to begin. Pray for the ones who may not have had any family, for
these are the ones that "slip through the cracks."
    Pray for the Public Service People of NY - They are still missing fellow
men/women and will always miss them even if they are found. No matter whom
may step up and take their place, the person will always be missed. The
Public Service People of NY have lost many brothers and sisters, and if you
know any that are involved in Public Service, that is just what they are,
brothers and sisters. Pray for comfort, strength and healing.

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