Inventory of frozen items

From: andy levy (
Date: Mon Feb 11 2002 - 20:52:54 EST

Weather got a little weird the last 36 hours. Rain, mid-30s, then the
temp dropped with the sun. Turned into a little snow. This morning, I
went to get in for my trip to work, and both doors were frozen shut. I
needed a quart of hot tap water to open the passenger door, and the
driver's door wouldn't open with the same amount.

So, today I had (or still have) the following things frozen:
Driver's side door
Driver's side window
Passenger's side door
Passenger's side window
E-brake light (intermittent)

Any thoughts on what might cause my e-brake light to turn off sometimes
but not always? This was a new development today. Drove all the way
to work and home with the light on. If I set the brake a second time,
and release it, it sometimes would turn off but sometimes not. The
"off" ones had a different sound from the lever than the "not."

-andy ---
modesty, n.:
   Being comfortable that others will discover your greatness

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