Mine crapped out on my 89 Shelby about two weeks ago. It's
basically the same thing, an A-500. These are notorious
for having the overdrive unit crap out, and they are
expensive. Like you, I was told they list for $1900+, and
that's just the part! I shopped around and found one for
$1300.Of course, I am putting it in myself, so I have a
bit of an advantage.
FYI - When I got my old one out I found it's been replaced
once before back in 1995. This will be #3 I suppose.
Jack 3
On Thu, 4 Apr 2002 12:33:49 -0800
shanec@spie.org wrote:
>Hi All,
>Today my 92 CC LE 4x4 auto 3.9L went down for the count.
>Started it up to go to work and everything was fine. Put
>it into gear to
>back out of the garage just like normal (keep in mind
>it's an auto trany).
>Then when I put it into drive and took off it started in
>first gear, then
>shifted to second at unusually high RPMs. Then it would
>not shift out of
>second. So I turned around and went back home--driving
>in second gear. It
>would shift from first to second and vise versa, but not
>into third or
>forth. Then I decided to take it to the local Dodge
>dealership shop
>(Bellingham, WA) and driving there it shifted into third
>only once and very
>hard. Then, while stopping at a stop light it didn't
>shift down until fully
>stopped, then it slammed into first gear. The Dodge shop
>says the
>transmission bit the bullet and I need a remanufactured
>trany for $1900
>parts + $600 labor. They said the pump (I'm guessing
>trans fluid pump?) is
>not keeping steady pressure and the valve body is
>sticking. Guess I know
>where my tax return is going....
>Any guidance is greatly appreciated. I love this truck
>and do not want to
>part with it. I'm also the kind of person who cringes
>when I take my truck
>to someone else to work on. What do you think I should
>do? Thanks is
>Shane Craven
W Jack Hilton III
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