hello there
my VIN sheet has the paint codes as : color 1 : PR4 - Flame Red Clear Coat
color 2 : QR4S -
Flame Red Clear Coat
same code, same color?, not sure, but that is what my page reads.
This is on a 97 SLT CC
""jkp61"" <jkp61@horizonview.net> wrote in message
> I notice everyone keeps referring to their Red Dakotas as Flame Red. I
> checked my paint code
> on my '96; <PR4> in a Plastikote catalog and it lists it as Poppy Red. I
> also didn't see Flame Red listed in the catalog. Is the Catalog just
> it wrong? Or did these fellow Daksters have their trucks repainted? Or is
> the same color? Any Help? Thanks,jkp.
> Take Care & Keep On Truckin'~~~~~John
> <<'96 Dakota Sport 4X4, 3.9L 5spd>>
> ---
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