OOPS.... Re: Off-topic PREDICTION!!!!

From: Mr. Plow (adam_is_mr_plow@hotmail.com)
Date: Mon May 13 2002 - 01:06:15 EDT

Just noticed that i spelled hypocritical wrong the first time...

The Adam Blaster

>I'm being very hipocritical by sending this out to the whole list, cause it
>always drives me crazy when other people do it, but o well...
>I've been working on a Federal by-election campaign here in Windsor for
>about the past 6 weeks, hence me being mostly absent from the discussions
>on the list. But, i've been helping our NDP candidate Brian Masse and i'm
>pretty sure we'll win tomorrow (Monday May 13th). We've got a betting
>pool, 50/50 thing, to bet how many votes we'll win by. By the numbers that
>we've got, and all the media polls, it will be a pretty tight race. My bet
>was for 816 votes ahead of the other guy who is our main competition, he's
>also taking over the riding that was held by our former deputy Prime
>Minister for nearly 40 years.
>So it will be a pretty great victory for our party if we take the seat.
>Anyways, wish us well!!!
>And i will resume my normal opinionated presence on the list come
>Wednesday, when i've fully recovered from the victory party Monday night
>through Tuesday morning. :)
>The Adam Blaster
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