Well, this morning on the way to work, after rolling through the main
gate here on post and not looking at the guy that stands in the middle
of the road that waves you over to check your car...(I'm in the
Army)... I was getting pulled over after he caught up to me in this
wide open parking lot, well, I didn't think that the Military Police
(MP) was pulling me over and got out of the way for him to pass me,
well when I realized that he was pulling me over, I tried to make a
right into this big abandoned parking lot. Didn't make it.
I highsided the curb on the left hand side of the truck, and my drivers
side front wheel went way down in a ditch, and the truck became
balanced on the frame right under the drivers door. Well, after the
truck quit rocking and I crawled out the passenger side of the vehicle,
after surveying the situation, I enlisted some help. Well by this time
about 4 or 5 people had stopped to look at this downright precarious
situation. All of them doubters that the bad ass dak would pull itself
out of the hole.
Got three guys to stand on the passenger side of the tailgate and bed,
and crawled back in, put it in reverse, and pulled her out. I got
lucky, it only dented that lip below the drivers door under the truck.
Didn't even break my neon! Thank God
Joel Esler
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