New Mods Planned

From: Gary Hedlin (
Date: Tue Jun 04 2002 - 03:34:32 EDT

Well, I got the dent fixed last week, so I'm planning some new mods to have
at dakota USA in St. Louis..

I ripped out the center console in the truck, and built a custom console.
The stock one had no room under it to place stuff (like amps & stuff), but
the new one has plenty of storage for my 400w sony amp, my 300w inverter, a
nitrus bottle (future mod) and 4 BIG cupholders for the 64 oz drinks (I'll
probably drink 4 of them on the way down to St. Louie) New console will
also have my notebook mounted to it, so I can throw a DVD in for the ride,
or work on my book.

P.S. I'm using voice recognition software on the laptop. I won't be

As far as engine mods, i'm planning to put in an IAT adjuster and a Trans-Go
shift kit. Hopefully, I'll get them in time!

I also have on order a Mopar Performance differential. It should arrive
this week. Depending on how brave I feel, I may attempt this mod myself.
If anyone thinks I'm setting myself up for disaster, PLEASE let me know!

That will be it for now. I wont be putting in anything more untill winter,
when I rip out my 3.9 and put in a 5.9 crate motor & tranny. I got a good
deal on the combo through koller dodge in naperville, and I'll have them by
the end of the month. However, I'm planning the engine swap in december so
I can have time to find a second vehicle and make sure I have everything I

Untill then, the V6 should tide me over.

Gary Hedlin
"The Crazy Quadraplegic" (business) (personal)
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