What's Four Guy's To Do ?? (update)

From: scsilverdak (scsilverdak@hotmail.com)
Date: Thu Jun 20 2002 - 10:08:55 EDT

We are still in the process of figuring out exactly how to start this
business properly. But we did decide we will more than likely have to start
out part time and attempt to
establish contacts with suppliers and work the internet sales approach to
kick things off.
We have managed to possibly find a site for installation work and a base of
operations to start, this depends largely on the overhead required and how
well the building suits our purposes. we may know more by tonight if the
building checks out ok.

(If a DAKOTA or RAM fit inside the place it won't work)

currently everything hinges on our projected start-up costs
and if a creditor will work with us. If we can't get the required financing,
and if vendors won't work with us,
we are pretty much dead in the water.

2001 Dakota Sport 3.9 supercharged br silver
e-mail: scsilverdak@hotmail.com
website: www.scsilverdak.com

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