Re: Spare seats at BBQ?

From: Mr. Plow (
Date: Fri Jun 28 2002 - 11:08:06 EDT

But all that happened with his little Ford didn't it??
I don't think he has any excuses now. :) :) :)

The Adam Blaster

>Can't say that I blame him. I think you missed that one Adam, but we
>were starting to think the only way we were going to get Ed's truck out
>was with a helicopter. Never mind getting it out "without breaking
>anything"... at the time we were all pretty convinced that Ed's new truck
>was about to meet an untimely demise when the tractor yanked its guts out
>by dragging it over the monster stump. Fortunately that didn't happen...
>I don't think Ed would ever want to be at the BBQ again :-).
>Jason Bleazard

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