Re: DML BBQ video is available

From: andy levy (
Date: Thu Aug 01 2002 - 00:24:58 EDT wrote:
> Just an FYI to anyone who might be interested...
> The video compilation from the 2002 DML BBQ is ready - I've got
> several copies here now and can easily make more if need be.
> Basically its video from Neil, Dakota, Jason & Norah, and myself.
> There aren't any titles, editing or anything fancy like that - I
> just put the video from everyone on the tape, one after another.
> Its just over 4 hours, and recorded in LP mode. (VHS)

Woohoo! Can't wait to see it, Jon!

For those who haven't had the pleasure of seeing last year's BBQ
videotape, it's worth it to see what these trucks can really do (not to
mention how absolutely insane some of us are).

Since the footage isn't edited, there's some time on the tape with not
much exciting going on (though this year's should be less than last). I
will probably be amongst the first to get the video, and will be
reviewing it as soon as I can; I'll post timestamps on the tape for
which sections to fast forward through.

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