Re: Mopar National Report (pictures)

Date: Fri Aug 09 2002 - 23:12:34 EDT

"Tim Althoff" <> wrote:

: all right this is for those that were to cheap or lazy to make it out here.

  Hey, were you were there? Why didn't ya come over and see us? :-)
We're over on the small hill near the tech inspection - look for a red
tent and a bunch of Daks. :-)

  I headed down to Brice to try to meet up with you and hung out
for a while but had to leave early. I did see you - (got some video
of you going through some rubber on Brice) but didn't have an
opportunity to catch your attention - you were having way too much
fun. :-) (I was across the stret from the gold building, pretty
much the same place as last year.) I'm not sure if I'll be able to
make it out tomorrow, but I'll try.




.---- Jon Steiger ------ or -----. | I'm the: AOPA, DoD, EAA, NMA, NRA, SPA, USUA. Rec & UL Pilot - SEL | | '70 Barracuda, '92 Ram 4x4, '96 Dakota, '96 Intruder 1400, '96 FireFly | `----------------------------------------- ----'

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