It has an oval shaped connector on the bottom of the coil. I'll try to take
a picture of it tomorrow. I'm running a replacement coil, but I suspect
that the original is ok and the problem was in the connector / wires. Any
fuel pumps in your inventory? That was one of the other things I was
thinking about as it doesn't run very long without fuel.
Also made it to and from work with no stalling. Around 40+ miles and
another hour and a half of running.
David 94 CC Sport 4x4 318, 5spd, Lifted 33" BFG MT
----- Original Message -----
From: Danny L. Burrows <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 12:39 AM
Subject: Re: DML: Dak wont't start / run / stalls
> I have lots of old Dakota coils all over the place, does yours have a
> connector on it or something? Just so everyone knows I can get just about
> OEM and after market Mopar part at a VERY reduced proce :p (don't ask)
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