Exterior Mods for Gen II

From: Kathy &/or Chris Carton (carton@madriver.com)
Date: Thu Sep 26 2002 - 16:59:16 EDT

You can see ours here: www.cruznlo.com on the "Exterior" page. It's steel, I
ordered it from here: http://www.fbimini.com/main.html .


>From: "Charlie Boatwright" <ic99fly@mail.com>
>Reply-To: dakota-truck@dakota-truck.net
>To: dakota-truck@dakota-truck.net
>Subject: DML: Exterior Mods for Gen II
>Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 20:03:01 -0500

>anyone have a picture of a rollpan on a Den II truck? I am looking for a
>roll pan. But I need to be able to see the rollpan on a Gen II. If you have

>a pic of yours on your truck,....send it my way and let me know which site
>you bought it from.

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