Re: RE: DML : Dragstrip Altitudes, Got a Question

From: scsilverdak (
Date: Sat Oct 05 2002 - 23:03:04 EDT

Thanks Ray!!!!!.........I did a little playing with the tables that site
provided and was a little surprised
at what a I found ........
 my times factor from the following:
1200 ft like you suggested....
16.149@84.06 would correct to a 15.945@85.14
now a local racer swears to a 1500 ft elavation and that would factor to a
15.882@85.49 .......
either way I'm happy to get some idea as to how well
my Dakota will run given optimal conditions and elavations!!.......Thanks to
all who posted a reply!

Ron- '01 Dakota Sport 3.9 Supercharged
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ray" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2002 11:53 AM
Subject: DML: RE: DML : Dragstrip Altitudes, Got a Question

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> > []On Behalf Of scsilverdak
> >
> > My testing of my Dakota this past summer has yielded a few questions,
> > how much does the altitude of a dragstrip have an effect on the
> > way a car or
> > truck will actually perform?
> > Say given that the weather and track conditions of 2 different tracks
> > the same, but the track with a altitude closer to sea level would enable
> > said car or truck to ET better due to better air quality.
> > Is there a correction factor that would give some idea
> > how a car or truck would perform at a lower sea level?...........or am I
> > just nut's thinking the Dakota
> > would run better a lower level track?
> > Keystone has altitude of 1500ft above sea level, I'm betting the Dakota
> > would ET better at a track with a level of around 500-800 ft.
> >
> > Ron- '01 Dakota Sport 3.9 Supercharged
> > website:
> > e-mail:
> >
> You're right Ron. Given identical atmospheric conditions, you will run
> quicker/faster at the lower elevation.
> NHRA has altitude correction factors for tracks above 1200 feet elevation.
> You may find that Keystone is listed as being at 1210 feet. I've been
> NHRA has some method of determining elevation for it's tracks that may be
> somewhat different than the actual elevation. I'm not sure how they do
> Anyway, here's a link with some good information.
> I race at National Trail Raceway, 911 feet, and Indianapolis Raceway Park,
> 850 feet, and see no difference in performance.
> However, friends of mine who race in Orlando, 66 feet, and here at the
> Nats are about a tenth slower at National Trail in similar weather.
> HTH,
> Ray

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