Basic questions

From: Dennis & Becky Anderson (
Date: Tue Oct 08 2002 - 09:14:04 EDT

Finally, 2 off topic questions:

2. My brother also loves to work on cars and is thinking
about attending
WyoTech after graduation, any comments on that school or

Val Garcia

I have a nephew who has just started attending WyoTech. It
is apparently very popular, their campus housing is full and
students are being housed at local motels. Although the
school is not a "boot camp", it does have some parochial /
prep school attributes -- guys must have short hair and be
clean shaven and not have body piercing, white shirts and
ties have to be worn in the "management classes", tardy to
school 3 time and you're out of there. They want the kids
to get used to the discipline needed for getting and keeping
a job. Students can have 1 automobile - in running condition
- with them at school. The students have opportunities for
interacting with those from other higher education
institutions located in Laramie through sports - although
auto racing is NOT one of the "school approved" activities.
The private company which runs WyoTech has one other similar
school which is located in Pennsylvania. How many of us
DML'ers would meet the "dress code" ???

Dennis Anderson

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