Heat, I have HEAT!!
Took the truck in this morning, and the system flush was going to be $65,
plus whatever for the flushing of the heater core.. Picked it up, total
tab was $112... Mechanic said you wouldn't believe how much gunk came out
of the heater core.. Actually, I said I would, seeing how I had the
coolant rust problem 2 years ago, and mustof been clogging it up since then.
But good to go, it's nice and TOASTY (running the 195 tstat now). Thanks
for the input!
> Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 23:29:12 EST
> From: SEMIHEMI01@aol.com
> Subject: Re: DML: no heat?
> Ken,
> If you decide to try it yourself. Fine out which heater hose is the
> outlet side and which is the inlet to the heater. Disconnect both and use
> garden hose to back flush the heater core. Put the hose on the outlet side
> and flush it TO the inlet side. You may have flakes of rust stopping up
> inlet side of the core. DO NOT use too much pressure or you could cause
> core to leak. Always use a 50/50 mix of antifreeze and water of the
> recommended type by Dodge. Any higher mix gains you nothing. Dodge cooling
> systems are prone to a bad rust problem anyway. Pure water is a real
> it'll rust the water pump impeller out in just a few months.
> If you don't choose to do it yourself find a reputable raditor shop
> that will do it for you. Explain to them that your heater is the problem
> ask their advice.
> "Sir Bill"
> SEMIHEMI01@AOL.COM> KB SuperCharged, 4.7L, 2001, QC,
> http://hometown.aol.com/semihemi01/index.html <or>
> ------------------------------
> End of DML Digest V5 #542
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