Re: Belt...

From: Bill Pitz (
Date: Wed Dec 18 2002 - 21:32:33 EST

At 07:15 PM 12/18/2002 -0500, you wrote:

>It's the only belt in there. Instructions for changing are on the upper
>radiator support. No warranty - normal wear & tear. $30 at NAPA, 5
>minutes in the driveway.

5 minutes in the driveway if you've done it before and/or know what you're
doing. Otherwise, you might run into some problems.

If you're still within your original 3/36 warranty, it shouldn't have
failed already. I have almost 41,000 miles on my '00 Dak and the belt is
still like new. As was already mentioned, it's the only belt in there, so
it drives everything (alternator, ac compressor, etc. etc.) You could
certainly do it yourself, but if you haven't ever changed belts before,
you're probably better off paying the shop for the 5 minutes (which they'll
probably bill as 1/2 hour) of labor to put it on.


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