Re: Stolen Sound Systems

From: Bill Pitz (
Date: Fri Dec 20 2002 - 22:26:29 EST

At 08:35 PM 12/20/2002 -0600, you wrote:

>Those are very good thougths Fred. However there was nothing special
>about my stereo at all. I had a set of cheap pioneer speakers up fron, a
>set of stock ones behind the bench seat. The head unit was a low end
>model - only paid $200 for it.
>I always drive around with my windows down and my radio up - but its not a
>great sound system by any means. I can't get heavy bass or high volume levels.
>The worse loss was the dashboard and the wood grain. What really gets me
>was I almost always take in my CD's at night. With everything going on as
>of late - my mind was too preoccupied and it slipped my attention.
>Also if I had taken 5 minutes to remove the face plate and take it in with
>me, it may have prevented them from having tried to steal the head unit in
>the first place. I've been kicking myself hard for this, since I could
>have possibly prevented it, and at the very lesat - minimized my losses.

I don't know... To me, it seems like detaching the faceplate makes it look
like you've got something expensive to hide. It's not as if detaching the
faceplate makes it look like there's not a head unit there at all... And a
faceplate is much cheaper to replace than the entire head unit. Not to
mention the fact that it does nothing to protect you from the types that
break into cars just to cause damage... It's a sad world indeed.


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