I run a full bottle of Chevron's Techron on my last tank before each oil
change; put the Techron in, fill up the tank, then run till the low-gas
light is on and change the oil. I got a pretty good deal on a 6-bottle
box at Autobarn.com a while ago. Techron comes in 12 and 20 ounce
bottles; the former is for treating 12 gallons, the latter (which is
what I buy) for 20 gallons.
Mallett, Donald B wrote:
> With close to 41k miles on the dak. What is the best way to clean the fuel
> injectors? At the same time, a new set of 3923 AutoLite Plugs with .040 Gap.
> will go in. Clean the TB, K&N air filter. Set TBS to 0.7 volts. Is there any
> other tune up type of work that I should do at this time? Oil is OK, trans
> filters and fluid just changed.
-- -andyhttp://home.twcny.rr.com/andylevy/ --- andylevy@yahoo.com -------------------------------------------- modesty, n.: Being comfortable that others will discover your greatness --------------------------------------------
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