grumble grumble........ Ok, first some background info here
2 years ago, I ran my Dakota for the first time (and up until tonight, the
only time) at the track with the DML. At that time, my mods were:
Quick-D intake
Gibson Exhuast
Hypertech PCM
Weighing in at 4,380 lbs (my subs, spare, etc all in truck)
5923 autolites
My times then were:
15.98 (first run ever, babied it off the line)
15.86 (launched at 2k RPM, got into it pretty quickly)
16.8 (got into it really hard at line, spun for at least 100')
Now, when I ran tonight, my mods were (in addition to the ones listed above)
Mopar PCM (CA) - hypertech is piggy-backed
F&B 50mm TB
Accell ignition system
Removed Subwoofers and spare, about 200lbs
My times tonight were (fyi, lanes were a little slick, but I didn't think
they hurt my times too bad):
15.96 (little slippage at line)
15.86 (pretty good hookup)
15.805 (best run all night, but good bit of slippage off line)
then a 15.85 & 16.00 (launch at 1000 RPM, babying it and still didn't hook
up well... I didn't really do any hard launches all night)
Now, granted, the slick conditions could account for some slower times....
but the 15.80 run, I don't think I could have cut off more than .1-.2 off my
time. With these changes I made, I would have thought I would have been
around 15.2-15.3 at worst... Think I'm going to put the stock PCM back
on and take off the Mopar PCM (CA). Haven't really been able to feel a
difference when I switch the 2, but I definitely feel. a difference when I
take the Hypertech PCM off.........
Oh yeah, lost in the first round of the bracket racing. Dialed in at 15.86,
and then I ran the 15.80 (go figure)... I cannot even figure how I got the
15.80. It's 60' time was definitely slower than the 15.86 run, but I think
the engine was running a little cooler...
Sigh.. Anyway, bout to go get some sleep... Gotta getup early in the
morning, got some rockers to install..... Was hoping those and the headers
would be enough to push me into the 14's, but looking at the runs from
tonight, dunno bout that..............
Ken Allgood
97 CC SLT 5.2L
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