I despise these people that protest.... they have no clue to the fact that
their freedom comes at a price...
I have a nephew in the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, and I support him
Tom "Slick" North
96 Dodge Dakota 5.2L RC
----- Original Message -----
From: "BARRY OLIVER" <DHSPA58@dhs.state.il.us>
To: <dakota-truck@dakota-truck.net>
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 9:19 AM
Subject: DML: Bombing on Iraq (hick rebuttal)
> >>> billday@joink.com 03/20/03 09:31PM >>>
> Now, now boys... I am into this war as much as the rest of the red
> american population and a "hick" as it was so blutnley put..
> but, I'm not racially bias towards people in this country or any
> other(military service) until they can not act like a civilized person.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Bill and I [and others] get called "hick" and "redneck" for being
patriotic and supporting the decisions that our commander in chief has made.
Racial bias does not play into our decisions. Oddly enough, Religious bias
does not enter into these decisions either. These decisions were made
because there are people in this world that have decided that our country is
the enemy. Nobody - even the most fervent of the peace protesters, wants
out country to suffer terrorists attacks on a regular basis - as is the norm
in other countries. We merely disagree on the method of prevention. All
the kleenex in the world won't stop the spread of the common cold, you need
Lysol to kill the germs. We are just spraying some tomahawk-flavored Lysol
in a known "problem area"..
> If anyone wishes to debate my patriotisim [or anything else for that
matter] feel free to tale this offlist - out of deferance to members of this
list that are less tolerant of political rants..
> -Barry
> MCP, A+, Network+, Server+
> Efficiency is doing things right.
> Effectiveness is doing the right things.
> Character is doing the right thing when nobody is looking.
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