Re: Off-topic: this will offend some

Date: Mon May 05 2003 - 13:47:58 EDT

  Because we are mostly unable to help in any other way. If he was my neighbor, I would mow his grass (or whatever), but since this list is spread out so far, $$ is the only practical help we can offer. Charity and giving to those who have suffered a hardship is one of the traits that separate Americans from 90% of the rest of the world. We are the most generous country on the earth, in every sense that matters. Giving a few dollars to a "virtual" (for those of us that have never met him) friend is no different than giving to the red-cross or other orginization, except this is a bit more personal. The best part is that everybody on the list get's to make their own choice as to wheather loosing a nephew rates a donation or not. You *can* choose not to give, to remain mute on the subject, if you like.

>>> 05/05/03 12:21PM >>>

serious question

Why when someone passes, do people donate money, I can understand a
donations for a spouse as the living survivor will have a hardship with the
income coming in by why children?

Same with insurance, why?


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