Re: Ouch...this is gonna hurt (sales/quality)

From: Jason A Banta (
Date: Tue Jul 29 2003 - 11:02:45 EDT

from the posts, it looks like both engines 318 and 4.7

>>> 07/29/03 01:48AM >>>

DaPurpleRT wrote:
> With message boards and mailing list since the early/md 90s they kept
> secret for over a decade??
> Hard to swallow.....
> Why would it affect the 318 and not the 360 BTW?

I think this is all the 4.7. Because if memory serves, the 4.7 was
phased in (and the 318 phased out,) on the Daks for '99, and it would
stand to reason that the Durango was the same.

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