KenCo wrote:
> Mike wrote:
>>From: "Droo"
>>Ah- ha .... I knew that was kicking around somewhere ...
>>So now I guess I have ...,
>>" Code 33 : An open or shorted condition detected in the A/C clutch relay
>>circuit. "
>>.... which is slightly vexxing as I have neither air conditioning nor a
>>manual tranny ..... A/C in reference to alternator juice? Do I have a stinky
>>alternator or something? Loose/dirty connection?
>>Nova Scotia Mike
> thats a normal code w/ no air.
> its "open" because it doesnt exist.
Explains why Tom got the same while working on Christine after her baptism.
-- -andy - -------------------------------------------- "Whatever Adam does, do the opposite and you'll be fine" -Bob Tom --------------------------------------------
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