Re: clock sync utility

From: Mallett, Donald B (
Date: Sun Nov 02 2003 - 00:35:10 EST

<Snip> Heheh my Macs have the date/time server syncro software built in :-P

I new this would upset the masses of "PC" users! lol

<Snip>It's not a universal truth. For some tasks, one is better than the
other. Of course, one would have to actually *use* one of each for a
little while to form an informed opinion.

I have used both for years. And I have a Mac at home.

<Snip> Never mind that; does it work underwater? ;-)

Not sure? Anyone want to do a under water test? Tom? hehe

Take a Mac and a PC of same speed and configuration, Mac will complete the
same type of task faster due to the Mac software uses less lines of code.

Have you heard of any major Mac virus going around?
Have you heard of any security flaws in a Macs operating system?

I went into too a computer store a few weeks ago and they are sell computers
and aftermarket items that looks like they were left over for a Rice Meet!
Clear cases, neon lights, blinking LED's and who knows what else? Not sure
weather to laugh or hurl lunch.

That is all for now.

Don Mallett
Y2K QC 4.7L Auto SLT+ 4x2
*-----------If all else fails, Throw in the "PIT"------------*


Donald Mallett
817 875-9812
*---You have no rights if you don't know your rights....---*

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