outdoing Tom

From: Michael Maskalans (dml@tepidcola.com)
Date: Sun Dec 14 2003 - 01:12:32 EST

Tom isn't alone. came across these videos (among many others....) that I
thought I'd "share with the group":

<http://www.yukoneer.com/misc/videos/rolledyota.mov> - set your
ebrake. don't let your Toy race down a hill at 30 MPH and flip off an
embankment. On the bright side, his powertrain looks like it survived, so
he ought to have been ripe to build a buggy.

<http://www.yukoneer.com/misc/videos/dumb_silverado_wreck.wmv> - car
surfing is even dumber when you're the driver.

<http://www.yukoneer.com/misc/videos/jeep%20float%20river.mpeg> - much like
Dakotas, Jeeps aren't boats. I wish I knew the story behind this one, or
how they got it out. I think the drowned Ram may have been involved in
attempted rescue....

The guy hosting these vids is at RIT, and a member of Team Mudnuts, a local
4x4 club that I'm going to check out.

Michael Maskalans           <http://mike.tepidcola.com/dak/>
'98 Dakota CC 4x4 318                 '84 RamCharger 4x4 360
mobile.612.618.4652   campus.585.274.2246   fax.360.364.3930
Michael Maskalans           <http://mike.tepidcola.com/dak/>
'98 Dakota CC 4x4 318                 '84 RamCharger 4x4 360
mobile.612.618.4652   campus.585.274.2246   fax.360.364.3930

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