Re: Jack Stands

From: Michael Maskalans (
Date: Tue Jan 06 2004 - 22:35:01 EST

On Jan 6, 2004, at 7:55 PM, Bill Pitz wrote:

> I would, without a doubt, Rhino my whole truck if I could afford it...
I personally think it looks a bit shoddy when a whole rig is done - not
an even enough coating for large exterior surfaces.


I would really like to do my rocker panels, though. one of these days
when I'm done spending money elsewhere ;-)

or when I'm starting to have rust problems. which will almost
definitely happen first. though it's still in *damn* good shape
rust-wise for 6 years old and 106000 miles.

Mike Maskalans            <>
'98 Dakota CC 0x4 318 (Borked)   '84 RamCharger 4x4 360 (DD)
mobile.612.618.4652   campus.585.274.2246   fax.360.364.3930

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