> "Cal Hyer" <> wrote:
> : I must respectfully disagree with y'all on this one boys. I love those Ram
> : Hemi ads they are running with the burger joint worker day dreaming...
> : Also, let me quote a print ad from Wood Magazine : "With 345 horsepower,
> : it'll haul ass from sea to shining sea, mile after mile after quarter mile."
> Just don't actually take them at their word and try to run it
> down the quarter mile, or the zone rep will black flag it. ;-)
> Maybe right after the fine print that says "Professional driver.
> Do not attempt", they can put "Voids Warranty. Do not attempt."
> :-)
Jon, I love your sense of humor. that made me LOL and a half.
-- - Josh Lowered 2000 Dakota CC 3.9L
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