""Wayne Allewelt"" <wallewelt@mai-aec.com> wrote in message
> Josh,
> One thing I've learned is that girlfriends and wives are totally
> You and a few other guys on the DML are lucky. But let me tell you and I'm
> sure there are other that can back this up. The Girlfriend might be that
> way right now, but once she becomes the WIFE and has a say in the expenses
> things will definitely change. My Girlfriend/ possible fiance didn't care
> how I spent my money until we started talking about living together for a
> trial run befrore marriage. Now that we are living together, boy have
> changed. When I bought the 3" lift kit near the end of last year all hell
> broke loose. Luckily she didn't have me return it. Her reasoning for
> it was that I was modifying my daily driver to go mudding with and she
> thought I would end up breaking the DAK and be out of a vehicle. I
> her that I wouldn't do anything real stupid to break it. (Not like its a
> H2.) I already got it really stuck once and caught hell for that because
> other circumstances, hence spending the $1600 for the lift kit. Enough
> rambling for now.
> Wayne
> 01 QC Sport 4x4 V8
I hadn't thought about it that way Wayne... Although, she didn't see the
logic in me lowering my truck, and was atually against it until she saw it
when it was done. She liked it then, but is a little peeved because I can
corner better than she can now. (she's got a Z24 cavalier)
Looks like I'll have to get crackin and finish (start) the stang before any
wedding bells are in my future.
-- - Josh Lowered 2000 Dakota CC 3.9L www.geocities.com/lenny187/dakota.html www.omg-stfu.com
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