Bob Tom <> wrote:
: At 11:36 PM 2/28/04, you wrote:
:>Dang! Did you get it at an Army/Navy store - a surplus unit
:>for jacking up tanks? :-)
: Not quite since Canada doesn't have a military :-( I got it
: at a Canadian supplier of industrial and agricultural tools
: called Princess Auto. I surfed their site to see if they
: had aluminum ones (none!) and came across their 2 1/2 ton
: one (mine's a 3 ton) and weight spec. was 143 lb (I think).
: And all this time I though that I was getting weaker and
: weaker :-D
You're not getting weaker - your jacks are getting heavier. :-)
: BTW, I have had thoughts, make that dreams, of a pit crew
: of about 6 dressed in flame red outfits and "high heels" :-)
Hmmm, sorry, but I don't think I'll be going there - even for a
HEMI cuda... ;-)
Actually, I think I saw a photo of 1/3 of your pit crew
with Jim in the winner's circle at the Chrysler Classic... ;-)
: Keep on forgetting to ask. Are you okay with directions
: for getting up to the show?
I keep forgetting to check. :-) We seem to get up there OK
every year but I'm not sure if that's because its easy to find
or if its because Ed is usually driving. ;-) I've been meaning
to check the Performance World web site to see what they have
as far as directions go, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
If you have some nice easy directions I sure won't turn them
down. :-)
: In the event we somehow don't meet up at the show, I'll
: get to the entrance area of the show at 1 p.m. I'll probably
: be spending quite a bit of time resting my back sitting
: in that eating area of the show as well.
Ok, sounds good! I think we'll probably get to the show
around 9:30-10 or so; I have a feeling we'll run into each
other eventually - I'll just keep an eye out for Ti-Cats
logos. :-)
Have you heard anything from Jim yet? Any other DMLers
planning to be at the show?
-- -Jon-.-- Jon Steiger ---- or --. | 1970 Barracuda - 1990 Dakota 'vert - 1992 Ram 4x4 - 1996 Dakota | | 1996 Intruder 1400 - 1996 Kolb FireFly - 2001 Ram QC 3500 CTD | `------------------------------------ --'
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