Hey Andy! When did you get married and have children? belated congrats!
Howard and Robin do have FREE Speech on both sides of the American- Canadian
Border Their opinions might not Contain a Dakota but their big mouths are
speeching and I think we should give them a chance. PLEASE EXCUSE SPELLING
Jim Knox 91 DAK 318LA
--- Original Message -----
From: "andy levy" <andy-dml@levyclan.us>
To: <dakota-truck-moderator@bent.twistedbits.net>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: DML: Stop the FCC
> Hash: SHA1
> On 3/23/2004 4:19 PM, Bill Day wrote:
> | <Bill puts foot on soap box>
> |
> | Im sorry to waste space commenting on this, but I think it's about time
> | someone did something about DJ like Howard Stern and the likes. A lot
> | kids are listening to this crap! I am no angel and I will be the first
> | admit it, but for gods sakes, our children do not need to listen to that
> | shit.
> How are kids listening to Stern between 6 AM when they're either
> supposed to be under direct parental supervision, on their way to
> school, or in school? It isn't the gov'ts job to "protect" them - it's
> the parents'. Don't like it? Change the station.
> Why is Oprah allowed to have a guest on her show at 4 PM (when many kids
> are home from school but their parents are not) graphically explain what
> "tossing the salad" is, but Stern has to fear a fine if he airs that
> audio clip?
> Like it or not, there is constitutional protection for free speech,
> popular or not. You aren't required to listen to it. Stern is being
> slammed not because of "indecency" (he's been much better in the last
> couple years than he was previously) but because he's been speaking
> negatively about Bush. Let the FCC and the Bush administration keep
> rolling, and you'll find yourself in jail for using the s-word on an
> Internet mailing list like you just did above.
> Any more, I'll take it to the OT list, which from Josh's post is where
> it's properly already gone.
> - --
> - -andy
> http://home.twcny.rr.com/andylevy/dakota - andy-dml@levyclan.us
> - --------------------------------------------
> "Whatever Adam does, do the opposite and you'll be fine"
> -Bob Tom
> - --------------------------------------------
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