On Thu, 25 Mar 2004 21:39:39 -0500, dml@bleazard.net (Jason Bleazard)
>> But you ask this guy to use a plasma cutter 6" from a half-full gas tank
>> and all he uses to "protect" the tank is a piece of
>> slightly-less-flammable cardboard. :P
>Heh heh heh... fire... cool!
>Don't you know? Explosions are so much more fun than electrical
>shorts. Especially when working on someone else's truck :-).
Hah... When I had my exhaust system installed, the old timer behind
the counter said "Uhh, yeah... about your truck... when we were
welding, we got a little too close to the gas tank and there was a
little...well, uhh... explosion."
After I about had a heart attack, he started laughing and informed me
that he was "just kidding."
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