""Jason Bleazard"" <dml@bleazard.net> wrote in message
> Mr. Plow said:
> >
> > I rarely say anything before i do something that i know is stupid, that
> > way, in the aftermath, i can always claim it was an accident. :)
> It also makes it difficult to get good pictures of the stunts you pull at
> the BBQ. I think we've learned, though, that we should keep at least one
> camera trained on your vehicle at all times you're behind the wheel.
> Because with Adam "you never know!" :-)
Yeah, I feel that I missed out on seeing the stunts, because I was
experiencing them. It's fun for me, just not good for photo opportunities.
-- - Josh Lowered 2000 Dakota CC 3.9L www.geocities.com/lenny187/dakota.html www.omg-stfu.com
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