Start Up/Idle Problem

From: Garret Lewis (
Date: Mon May 03 2004 - 19:53:41 EDT

Well, I'm still having some problems with my Dak when I start it up. So, I'm
looking for a little input/help from the DML. Here is what happens and what
I've done so far to correct the problem.

When you start my truck after it has been sitting, it does not idle up. The
RPMs are only at about 800. Also, if it is cold out, the truck will not stay
running. When it is cold, it basically fires up and then idles right back
down and will cut off unless you keep your foot on the accelerator. As a
side note, my truck does not get driven every day. Also, after the truck has
run, when you start it up it idles up like it is suppose to.

Based on some information from the DML, I replaced the coolant temperature
sensor. At first, I thought that this may have worked, but it was back to
doing it again in about a week or two.

I replaced the throttle body temperature sensor. Same deal, no luck.

So, has anyone else had this problem? Also, any ideas on a fix?

1997, 4x4, cc, v8

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