Wahoo! It's about time you got her back together. No excuse for the Next BBQ.
I want to see her on a trailer when I arrive at Jon’s.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Terrible Tom" <SilverEightynine@aol.com>
> To: <dakota-truck-moderator@bent.twistedbits.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 11:18 PM
> Subject: DML: Christine Is Back From The Dead.... again...
> Just a short post to announce I have a Dodge Dakota in running order. I
> had the transmission rebuilt - again - the right way this time... by a
> shop owned by an old man who has been rebuilding transmissions for 30
> years, not by a friend fresh out of tech school. heh... (I still don't
> blame him however)
> Cost me $372 for the shop to take it apart, use some parts scavanged
> from my 2wd tranny, and put it all back together again. All in all that
> is pretty cheap to get the trans running again. But with no warranty.
> I also took a gamble and used the torque converter from the 2wd truck.
> Having to drop almost $400 on a trans kinda wiped me out for this
> month... and I didn't want to foot the bill for a new torque converter
> at about $130.
> Soooo far it seems ok. I backed her out of The Swamp, out to the road
> and then up the main driveway....backed out again, and drove back into
> The Swamp.
> Problem now is the engine. I changed plugs - numbers one and three were
> starting to go black. I suspect problems on the passenger side head.
> Remember I found drips of coolant coming off the crank bearing caps when
> I changed the oil pan? I'm going to do a compression test as soon as
> possible.
> The engine seriously lacks power and bogs down when you step on the gas.
> I changed out the IAC motor and the TPS sensor, with the ones from my
> other engine. Made little difference. I suspect the wires are bad. I
> know for a fact I have at least one bad wire (ripped boot). And correct
> me if I'm wrong, but seeing a bright green inside the boots of the
> wires, behind the connector clip, is not a good thing eh? Methinks that
> be corrosion and not some new fangled bright green insulation material
> in the wire ends heh. These are Mopar wires for what its worth. I plan
> on changing them this weekend.
> I have a flooded email box, and over a weeks worth of unread DML posts
> on the list. I can't believe how busy I have been as of late. I have
> very little free time anymore. IT SUCKS! I'm a born slacker! All this
> work and productivity is bunk!
> One good thing (or is that bad?) out of all of this, is I am getting
> REALLY good at tearing this truck apart and putting it back together
> again. (sigh) it felt good to see her off the jack stands and all back
> together looking like a truck once more. It just stopps looking like a
> truck after you remove the hood, wheels, axles, front end, bumper, drive
> shafts, transfer case, tranny, and with an engine hoist supporting the
> engine for ehhh.... 9 months - give or take one or two months.
> No pics to show off yet - but I will have them soon. This marks a total
> of three engines and three trannys since I purchased Christine.
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Attention Infidels: I am your official DBDoMPfIWUMOT!
> Terrible Tom -- AIM & Yahoo Name: SilverEightynine
> http://members.aol.com/silvereightynine/
> ---
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