<Walt@Walt-n-Ingrid.Com> wrote in message
> [snip]
> Walt Felix
> http://WWW.Walt-n-Ingrid.Com
IL revised their test pretty recently. If you have an OBD-II vehicle, they
just do a codescan and if it comes up clean they send you on your way.
Anything older though gets the IM240 dyno test with a sniffer. When I had
to take my truck in (every 3 years) it took all of about 8 minutes from
start (waiting in line) to finish (driving off). They don't do any sort of
safety inspection or anything, they just pull codes and pressure test your
fuel cap.
I can't speak about what happens if you fail though, I never have. I
figured that the old stang was a definate fail because I tested it without
cats (couldn't find the stock h-pipe) and I managed to eek by just barely
under the max allowable, and that car was supercharged. Perhaps IL isn't
that strict with it's requirements... I know downstate they don't even have
tests, my parents don't have to get them done on their vehicles.
-- - Josh Lowered 2000 Dakota CC 3.9L Above Statement Not True ^^^^^ www.omg-stfu.com
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